Sunday 10 June 2012

10 Dangerous Snakes

Snakes are for sure some of the scariest creatures in the world. People fear them because of their aspect but most of all because their dangerous weapon, the venom which paralyses the victim and can produce death in few seconds. Some of the following top 10 most dangerous snakes in the world have enough venom to kill humans and even large animals in a few seconds. The criteria after which the following top 10 most dangerous snakes in the world are ranked are: the danger of the venom for humans and number of people killed by this species of snakes.
From all the species of snakes, 250 species have such dangerous venom that they can kill a human with a single bite. 6 of the top 10 most dangerous snakes in the world are from Australia. But even if this continent`s land hosts a huge number of poisonous snakes, in average only 2 humans per year die due to venomous snake bites in Australia. All over the Globe there are thousands people bitten by venomous snakes each year but the bigger majority of them live thanks to antivenin treatments.
The top 10 most dangerous snakes in the world are:
1. Belcher Sea Snake
This water snake is the most venomous snake in the world and has a special adapted tail which helps him swim. It has enough venom to kill 1000 people. Blecher Sea Snake can be found in Australia and it represents a real danger for the fishermen.
2. Inland Taipan
Also known as Firce Snake, this dangerous snake lives in the Australian dry plains. It is a day hunter and with a single bite he can kill 100 people.
3. Eastern Brown Snake
It is native from Australia and can be found on different colors. This snake doesn`t produce a big quantity of venom but a single bite can be fatal and produces blood coagulation.
4. Tiger Snake
His name comes from the tiger aspect. This kind of snake can be found all over the Australian continent but it is more common in Tasmania.
5. Coral Snake
Coral Snakes live the bigger part of their lives underground. This snake possesses one of the most dangerous types of venom in the world and can be found in the North America.
6. Philippine Cobra
This type of cobra lives in the jungle and can reach a 2 meter length and it is the most dangerous type of cobra snake.
7. Blue Krite
Also known as the Malayan, this snake is a real hunter. He kills other snakes and he is a nocturnal breed so it is more dangerous at night.
8. Black Mamba
This snake can be found on the African continent and it is the fastest land snake in the world. A Black Mamba`s bite can kill over 20 human adults.
9. Rattlesnake
This kind of snake is easy to be identified because of the rattle he has on the end of its tail. This snake`s bite can be fatal but if the antivenin is applied in time the victims can survive.
10. Death Adder
This snake has the quickest strike in the world. Although his venom is fatal, the antivenin is very efficient in case of a Death Adder`s bite.

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